Saturday, March 19, 2011

Hanna's Testing Adventures

I was able to take my Government midterm in the testing center starting Monday and ending today. The thing about the testing center on Saturdays is that they hand the last test out at 3 pm and kick you out at 4 pm. I planned on taking it earlier in the week, but it was a lot of material to cover and I never seemed to actually understand what I was studying.
You know how you can study for a long time, but one day something actually kicks in and you finally get it? That moment came at 2:45 today.
If only I could keep studying! I thought. I could totally Jimmer this if I was able to postpone it until Monday. Maybe if I start studying for a midterm three weeks in advance, that moment of understanding will come a week before the test and then I'll have seven days to study stuff in such a way that it'll stick.
Oh wait, the professor gave us the study guide too late.
And that's how I failed a test.

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